Pillar & Step

Pillar & Step events are devised and organised by All Souls Church, Langham Place to promote the case for Jesus Christ. This initiative is a series of interviews and conversations with Christian men and women with fascinating stories to tell. Details of new events will be available at pillarandstep.com/events



What is Christianity?

Christians believe that God came into this world, through his Son, Jesus Christ, to save men and women from their sins, defeat death and give them hope and new eternal life.

If you’d like to explore these claims visit pillarandstep.com/explore



All Souls Langham Place

All Souls is a church family in the heart of London, with a heart to reach the city and the nations for Jesus. Our church building was designed by architect John Nash in 1824 and sits at the top of Regent Street in front of the BBC's Broadcasting House with its iconic 17 sided spire. Visit us at a church service on Sunday or watch online. To find out more please visit allsouls.org.

Black and white image of the All Souls spire




It may be that the subject matter of a Pillar and Step event has raised memories, issues or concerns for you. Please visit our support page for links and details about help that is available - pillarandstep.com/support





Pillar & Step
2 All Souls Place